Why don't you do it

If you think you are 100% good at ____ ( fill in the blanks ) why don't you do it. It is not a bad idea trying it, isn't it. We are habitual and always see perfect things in front of us but everything we see has a long history of tough decisions, lots of ups and downs. There are people.. always trying, though they are not yet able to deliver something which can really please our eyes accustomed to perfection but these guys are making progress.

The spectrum of progress has nothing to do with positional statistics where it is, it has only to do with the pace at which it corrects itself, liberates itself and opens itself to new ideas. Its position is just a matter of time. It has to be sequential, step by step, even if we find a shortcut and reach somewhere, steps we missed will always find us and haunt, it is better to taste failures along the way and finally arrive. And considering that if we have reasonably less time to make mistakes then it becomes more important to make sure that they are ours.

It's not about how many things you can commit to today, it's about how many times you keep coming to them, how reliable is that system of yours where new idea hatch, and furthermore what exactly are your action points, are you just consuming ideas, are you just enjoying your intellectual entertainment without having your own personal action points. The world you see is not yours, it is a ready made thing, what's your part.

We are well and good that doesn't work, it's a situation, we have to push for the next level. At this point, as you usually do you can make a counter argument and justify your positioning, you can justify that you are in the right side, right side .. with respect to what ? I always wish I will get more closer to reality and will keep it intact against self defense mechanisms of my mind.

Yes, slow but steady, more harsh but more real.. the hard is the new easy now.