Don't build just for the sake of building
I spent most time solving computational problems, sometimes it makes me think that it doesn't scale until your problem domain gets very specific along with the time and more exciting problems integrate into one single problem and building a business is a problem like this.
I have been programming for others for my living, why would I like to build a program for myself because if can turn into a scalable business and can get a good payoff then I will not have to program for living, I can work with computing problems which are really exciting to solve for me but may or may not be a mean for living. That is the holy grail, in between this future and present there are lots of barriers, what - how and who : what should be built, how it should be executed and who will use it, that's not something which you can code right into your editor and see the output of what you have coded on your screen, indeed it's a big execution until you make the big hit.
Sometimes when I visit some simple to understand products which are really doing well the first and foremost thing I encounter in my little gray cells is howa I could have done it, I can also make it, but in real that's not always enough. I can do lots of stuff but doing in real something is entirely different, apart from that choosing one thing from those 'can do lists' is a part of execution and that's the real part.
One point of view this whole thing is ok but then why would you make something just for the sake of making something. In fact you really know when something really really strikes you and you cannot avoid it, you cannot ignore it, this is your idea, this is your stuff, you really know. When something strikes you at this level you don't bother about anything else, then you know that eventually it will work. And when we make something we build a beautiful island, either this island is so beautiful that nobody can avoid it, one would ride a chopper to land on your island, else there is the second step of problem about making a more beautiful and durable bridge that connects your island to a reasonable part of world where you think is a place full of people who would love your island. Even if we are not good at making bridges why it is necessary to keep making solutions, because it makes us aware about bottlenecks, and solving one of these bottlenecks can be the next big idea.